Why It's Important To Consult A Criminal Lawyer If You Are Accused Of A Crime During The Immigration Process

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Why It's Important To Consult A Criminal Lawyer If You Are Accused Of A Crime During The Immigration Process

The immigration process can be lengthy and stressful if you have just arrived in the United States. There is a lot to do applying to become a permanent resident and eventually a citizen.  

If you are accused or charged with committing a crime during this process or have committed a crime at some point while within the United States, before you applied for your permanent status, it's important to talk to a criminal lawyer and be open and honest that you are not a citizen. including if you have already gained residency.

The same is true if you are undocumented within the country. You might think that you are better off not telling your lawyer that you are not in the country legally, but it is better for your lawyer to know your status than be blindsided by it later. 

Here are some reasons why it's important for you to consult a criminal lawyer if you are accused or have committed a crime during the immigration process. 

It Can Affect Your Immigration Status

You may believe that it's better not to tell your criminal lawyer about your immigration status if you have been charged with a crime because you may think it will protect you somehow. This isn't the case. The courts will have this information about you, especially if you have already filed for permanent resident status.

If you are undocumented, they can also learn this information because there will be no record of you within the country, including your birth certificate, Social Security number, or any other identifying information that U.S. citizens and permanent residents have. 

Having been charged with a crime can affect your immigration status depending on the type of crime committed. More serious offenses such as murder, rape, drug trafficking, or any other crime that is considered a felony within the state or at the federal level can result in your deportation if you are convicted of that crime.

Your criminal lawyer needs to have any and all information you can give them to potentially prevent your deportation from occurring. 

If the crime you are charged with is not considered serious, like shoplifting, public intoxication, or other minor crimes, this shouldn't affect your immigration status if you have already been granted residency. Keep in mind, however, even small crimes can potentially result in you being denied permanent resident status within the country if you are still going through the process.

Be Honest And Upfront With Your Lawyer

The most important thing you can do when you hire a criminal lawyer after having been charged with any crime is to be as honest and upfront as you can be. Inform them of everything you know about the crime you are charged with and provide them all documentation about your immigration status and where you are in the process.

Contact a criminal lawyer to learn more.  

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Learning About Immigration Attorney Services Hello, I am Nora Nunez. Welcome to my website about immigration attorneys. When my friend moved for school, she obtained the correct documents needed for her endeavors. As she established a life in her new location and fell in love with the area, she decided to pursue citizenship status with help from an immigration attorney. Her attorney helped her navigate the process from beginning to end. On this site, I want to help you all learn about the services offered by immigration attorneys. I look forward to helping you learn more about this important topic. Thank you for visiting my website.

